Trauma Headquarters and ADSG

Community Center => Bible => : neitlingme February 28, 2012, 11:06:13 AM

: My own personal miracle....
: neitlingme February 28, 2012, 11:06:13 AM
I wrote this up for FB and wanted to share it with all of you who aren't there too.  :)][/url]

I killed the link, and cut and pasted below.

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: MissB February 28, 2012, 11:37:08 AM
I had to log into farcebook to read it, so the others might not be able to.

I'm glad you got your sign and I'm glad you were able to see it when it happened.

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: neitlingme February 28, 2012, 11:43:33 AM
Thanks Miss B.  I think I'll cut and paste it then.  :)

Personal miracle!!.

I just had a very stressful, emotional situation tied up with a neat little bow!!

I've had a rough week or so.  I felt a situation with one of my children being stretched beyond my capabilities to help/handle.  I felt it growing, and in anticipation of the eruption made an appointment to talk with my priest.  It kept growing.  It was looming.  I was terrified.  The appointment was set up for this morning....not soon enough!  It came to a head two nights ago.

After the explosion, which was earthshattering,  I was supposed to take this child to youth group. Things weren't even close to resolved between us, and things were so tense and agitated that I was afraid to let her go.  She has a tendency to make up stories to "suit her feelings" rather than to accept her feelings as correct given the circumstance.  (That's another story for another day, however).  Being one who strongly believes in God's love, however, I wanted her to go to this meeting!  On the other hand, I also wanted her to stay home, calm down, and work on "our" relationship on the other.  I could see benefits and pitfalls to both.  I didn't want to put her in a situation where she felt compelled to lie.   I didn't want to keep her from learning about God.  I really was at a crossroads, and didn't know what to do.  I could not make a decision.   I was torn, and none of the possible outcomes looked very good.  I felt no matter which choice I made, someone was going to lose.  I felt like I was in the middle of tornado, debris swirling around in every direction, all around me was just chaos.  How do I step out of that-- without being pelted by debris myself?  What do I do?  I need HELP!!!  So, I started to do, the thing I'm so afraid (at times like this, anyway) to do....

I prayed.  I prayed for someone to help me make this decision.  Someone to understand I was tormented by not knowing what to do.  I prayed for His guidance.

As I sat there, praying...a very kind man (who taught this same child sunday school last year--which was how I met him) drove into the parking lot.  I took it as my sign to go talk to him.  I could talk away from the people in charge,  and more importantly away from the other teenagers.   I really didn't want to cross into that territory!  I was sent a one-on-one!!  (This is my comfort zone too, I'm not comfortable in groups).  This was ny nudge as you will, from God.  So, I ran up to him, and asked for a minute, very quickly explaining my crisis. 

This man helped me refocus my emotional fog and helped me make a decision (which was really what I needed help with).  He listened to me, and made me feel understood.  Asked a few pointed questions that I answered whole heartedly.  He then told me to take her home, and stick with my appointment to talk to the priest this morning.  I felt relieved, having had this man to help me make this decision.  My heart felt hopeful through the turmoil.  And HE?  God listened.

I was good with that ending.  I realized God really cared and sent me help--in my crisis.

Today, He drove the message home.  I learned this man, the one I trusted, and have only known as "Mr. Smith", is a judge!!  Someone who makes DECISIONS for a living.

If THAT isn't a sign (a SMILE) from God, what is?  I prayed for help in making a decision, and God sent me a judge!!!!

Yeah.  I am pretty sure he's listening.

You just have to open your heart when you ask for his help, then pay close attention afterwards to learn where to bend your ear.

Thank you God.  I love you!!

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: Jeannie February 28, 2012, 08:01:12 PM
Thanks for posting here, Neitling!  I tried the link earlier, but couldn't access it.  Now I see what the miracle was..... and am so glad for you.

When I get overly stressed, I can't make decisions.  Even simple things like what to fix for supper feel like HUGE issues.  Methinks the Lord knows and understands this, and gives us the occasional miracle to remind us that He cares.   :love7:

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: justine February 28, 2012, 08:37:28 PM
Great post Neitling!   I am so glad that God sent you such a wise, compassionate man to help you!   :love7:

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: Truebluemom February 28, 2012, 09:23:55 PM
Wonderful!  So glad God sent along the person you needed at the right time.  Can sure make you feel loved.   :love4:

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: anne March 01, 2012, 12:51:12 PM
Needed that today.  Thank you for the reminder that God is sufficient and He provides - yes so very well!

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: kbdy March 01, 2012, 04:19:09 PM
 :love4: That's a wonderful that you found faith and guidance all in one package.

Isn't it delightful when things like that happen :) Just when you feel you cannot possibly handle one more single thing... boom. I call it being 'cuffed upside the head'  ;D

: Re: My own personal miracle....
: hallma1 March 06, 2012, 06:06:55 AM
Thanks for sharing that.  My family really needed to be reminded about God's ever-present provision and mercy.  God is sooo good!

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