Trauma Headquarters and ADSG

Community Center => Prayer Requests => : MarvDeb4584 April 01, 2012, 09:46:24 PM

: Prayers for D and DH
: MarvDeb4584 April 01, 2012, 09:46:24 PM
Hey Everyone,

D I usually refer to as DFS8months. He could really use some prayers tonight. He is coming down with something and has me really worried. Just this past week we got the okay to wean him off his seizure medicine and tonight he spikes a low grade 99.2 fever. With D though, this usually results in 102-105 fevers before it is over. He is also sounding rattly and so stuffed up he cannot latch on to a bottle to eat, and taking food by spoon is challenging for him too. I've given him 3 breathing treatments over the weekend and constant suctioning of the nose. Also have him on tylenol and motrin to keep the fever from spiking.

This poor baby has already has Bronchiolitis and RSV, in less than 8 months.

DH fell last Sunday at church when DFD4 cut in front of him and stopped dead. HE fell over her, wrenching himself to save D from being hurt. The result.....bruised from knee to ankle...bruised the muscles, tissues, and bone in the leg, sprained his ankle, also pulled all the muscles on his right side from wrenching around to protect D. He is fighting swelling, bruising and now the scrape is getting very red and he says burning/hot to touch.  He was checked out the day it happened, but with him having A-fib and being on Coumadin I worry about him and infections.  IF you could pray for them both, I would appreciate it.

DH is over my shoulder saying I need prayers, as he is out of town this week, leaving me with 2 college class finals, 11 appointments for the kiddos, and doing it all alone.....I'll manage....God always helps!

: Re: Prayers for D and DH
: MaKettle April 02, 2012, 07:18:08 AM
 Wow! That's a lot to handle.  Prayers for your whole family.  Hang in there & update when you can.

: Re: Prayers for D and DH
: neitlingme April 02, 2012, 09:45:53 PM
Most definitely, I'll be praying.

God will help you through.

: Re: Prayers for D and DH
: Truebluemom April 02, 2012, 09:47:40 PM
Will be praying for you all.  That's a lot going on at one time. Hope today was better.

: Re: Prayers for D and DH
: Cher April 03, 2012, 11:07:21 AM
Will pray for each of you.

God bless DH and his insight to protect!

A true dad in every way.

 :angel10: :angel10: :angel10:

: Re: Prayers for D and DH
: blessingsindisguise April 03, 2012, 10:10:46 PM
It is a privilege to add these specific burdens to the list that I pray about daily.


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