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Community Center => Bible => : anne February 22, 2011, 09:59:48 AM

: Tenacity
: anne February 22, 2011, 09:59:48 AM
Just read my AM devotional - Going through Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" and had to share:

"Be still, and know that I am God." - Ps. 46:10

"Tenacity is more than endurance, it is endurance combined with the absolute certainty that what we are looking for is going to transpire.  Tenacity is more than hanging on, which may be but the weakness of being too afraid to fall off.  Tenacity is the supreme effort of a man refusing to believe that his hero is going to be conquered.  The greatest fear a man has is not that he will be damned, but that Jesus Christ will be worsted, that the things He stood for - love and justice and forgiveness and kindness among men - will not win out in the end; the things He stands for look like will-o'-the-wisps.  Then comes the call to spiritual tenacity, not to hang on and do nothing, but to work deliberately on the certainty that God is not going to be worsted.

If our hopes are being disappointed just now, it means that they are being purified  There is nothing noble the human mind has ever hoped for or dreamed of that will not be fulfilled.  One of the greatest strains in life is the strain of waiting for God.   "Because thou has kept the word of my patience."  Remain spiritually tenacious."

This really challenged me this morning as we're going through yet more rounds with Dd15 and on eggshells with Ds12.  Perhaps I've been praying wrong.  When we wanted children, we prayed for a baby and later changed that to children of our own as God wills.  When we changed our prayer, our children were in our home in less than a year.  Now I'm praying for our children, but leaving them in God's hands, as He wills for their lives and I'm praying continually for the strength to let them go into the hands that love them more.  (gulp).  I need to remain, spiritually tenacious.

: Re: Tenacity
: blessingsindisguise February 22, 2011, 03:04:36 PM

When we wanted children, we prayed for a baby and later changed that to children of our own as God wills.  When we changed our prayer, our children were in our home in less than a year.

That is my story exactly!  Wow!

Thanks so much for sharing that devotional.  So powerful.

Now I'm praying for our children, but leaving them in God's hands, as He wills for their lives and I'm praying continually for the strength to let them go into the hands that love them more.

I can do that, too.

Thank you again.


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