Trauma Headquarters and ADSG

Community Center => Prayer Requests => : Kevins Kitchen May 30, 2009, 07:49:20 AM

: Prayer Request
: Kevins Kitchen May 30, 2009, 07:49:20 AM
First, I'd like to ask for Prayers of Gratitude.

Wifey's leg healed up after 5 months of issues in time for her to have a SUCCESSFUL Cardiac Ablation in April.

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And then, I'd ask for a prayer of healing for me.

I won't be posting for at least a few weeks.  I'm getting ready to have my shoulder rebuilt on Wednesday, June3.
25 years ago, I rolled a van 4 times and busted myself up, taking 11 months to heal.  My left humerus was broken into 3 pieces at midshaft in a 48 degree angle.  When the orthodoc gave up on a closed reduction and put in a plate, he noted extensive damage to my rotator cuff.  For a number of years, I'd go in periodically and have fluid removed and cortison injected.  He didn't like my chances for successful surgery 25 years ago, and advocated waiting until it had to be done, hoping that techniques would be better.  Well, over a year ago, I noticed a great reduction in both strength and range of motion in my left arm.  Had it checked out, and was dx'd as needing a rotator cuff repair done.  Wifey's year long health issues between atrial fib/cardiac ablation and the fall/hematoma/surgical evacuation etc. required me to delay surgery as we couldn't both be down, and I needed both hands to do dressing changes on her.

So, Wednesday, I go in to have a total rotator cuff tear/detached rotator cuff repaired.  It'll require 6 weeks of having my arm strapped to my side to keep it imobile and allow it to heal as best possible.

So if ya'll miss me on the board, know that while I might be lurking, typing with one hand frustrates me and I probably won't be doing any posting.

Thanks in advance for the prayers.

: Re: Prayer Request
: Geertje May 30, 2009, 10:54:30 AM
Kevin, I'll be praying for you, that you shoulder should heal nice and that you will be able to do everything with it, and in between for patience because it's a long time for not being able to use your arm.
Great blessings that your wife's leg got healed and the succesfull cardiac ablation. :love4: :wave:

: Re: Prayer Request
: justine May 30, 2009, 11:21:28 AM
Will pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery!   As for therapy....I'm an OT so i will say "do your exercises!"  :director:

: Re: Prayer Request
: chris28 May 30, 2009, 06:42:53 PM
Sending lots of prayers from here, Kevin, for a speedy healing, and little pain.

WooHoo for Wifey!!!!

Listen to Justine!!!


: Re: Prayer Request
: rapunzel44 May 30, 2009, 09:20:39 PM
I'm really happy to hear that your wifey is all in good working order again, and I imagine her spirits will be up as well!

As for your surgery, since I am german, I recommend eating lots of gfreen leafy vegetables, becasue they will assist in speedy healimg. The ones you don't really like are the especially beneficial ones! :police:

Jokes aside, hoping your surgery goes well. Just let us know very briefly when you're home, frustrated or not, please. So we can send cybercards your way!

: Re: Prayer Request
: traci June 02, 2009, 11:47:00 PM
Praying your surgery will be very successful and a quick recovery!! :angel10:
So glad to hear your wife is doing so well!! :sunny:

: Re: Prayer Request
: justine June 03, 2009, 12:18:34 AM
((((Kevin)))))    Enjoy the medication!   Praying for you tomorrow! 

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