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Community Center => Bible => : artsymominnc September 12, 2007, 05:24:32 AM

: artsymominnc September 12, 2007, 05:24:32 AM
He who walks with the wise grows wise.

Proverbs 13:20

"Mama!" Josh's voice carried thorugh the quiet house.

"Yes, Josh?"

"Mama! Come bounce me!"

Mary looked out the kitchen window to the trampoline that seemed to take up half the yard.  With a smile that dimpled her cheeks, she grasped her youngest son's hand and went out to bounce him.  It was an odd sort of pride she took in being able to skyrocket her son's little body into the air.  She outweighed him by a number of pounds, and her weight caused him to go higher than any of his friends could take him.  It was just a matter of physics, really; the heavier your partner, the higher you go.

It's no different spiritually.  The people you surround yourself with will either send you skyrocketing into spiritual understanding and maturity or leave you grounded and struggling.

When you look at those in your life today, who is it that stands out as wise?  Who walks with that quiet charisma and peace that you find yourself craving?  What would it take to call that person?  Keep it simple and comfortable.  Plan a casual lunch at home, invite her over for coffee, or simply spend an afternoon talking.  Or perhaps you could find an activity you both enjoy.  Surround yourself with people who will encourage your spiritual growth.

The Bible says in James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God."  Ask God to expand your wisdom and your world.

Wisdom is seeing life from God's perspective.

Bill Gothard

Quiet Moments with God for Mothers,Honor Books, Tulsa, Oklahoma pp. 200-201

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