Trauma Headquarters and ADSG

Community Center => Prayer Requests => : luvmyboy June 05, 2008, 06:30:41 PM

: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: luvmyboy June 05, 2008, 06:30:41 PM
My cousin-in-law called me today to tell me that my Uncle G is in the hospital with dehydration and a kidney infection.   My aunt didn't understand why he wasn't getting enough water if he had a glass at every meal.  What is upsetting her is that the doctor (thoughtful as they are) told her, while she was alone with my uncle in the hospital, that he would have to go to rehab or a nursing home after he leaves the hospital.  It really upset her.  My cousin's wife is going to have a talk with the dr. tomorrow!

I have known that he has Alzheimer's for a while, but didn't know how far it had progressed.  They are all rather surprised that he will have to be put in a nursing home so soon, and are trying to figure out the finances. My aunt is not able to do the personal care for him, as he needs help to get up in the morning, and to be put to bed at night.  They will be looking into the possibility of someone to help in the home.

My aunt has heart troubles, has had surgery, as is a very small lady, weighing only 103#.

Please put the family on your prayer list.

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: justine June 05, 2008, 06:55:49 PM
Will pray for them now, is so hard to have to make these decisions during stressful times. 

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: karleen June 05, 2008, 07:13:49 PM
Definitely.  Prayers going up here.

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: blessingsindisguise June 05, 2008, 10:32:26 PM
prayers, absolutely.


: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: traci June 05, 2008, 10:35:57 PM
What a difficult transition in life. It's very hard to accept that we can't take care of ourselves or loved ones anymore. We will all be there someday. My prayers for peace and healing are with your family. God Bless.

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: chris28 June 09, 2008, 04:51:08 PM
Praying for your uncle and his wife.
I know when my dad was in the hospital, the sw called one of us kids to make sure one of us would be with my mom when they talked to her about after care.

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: luvmyboy June 10, 2008, 07:31:59 PM
My uncle has been transferred to a nursing home/rehab and is expected to be home in about a week.  Most of his confusion and unintelligible talk was caused by the dehydration.  The family is very thankful for all of your prayers.

My cousins and some of their children are home and some will be staying until everything is settled as to how he will be taken care of at home.  The biggest obstacle they have right now is keeping him hydrated.

Thanx again.


p.s.  I just wish I could be there, but he is 900 miles away.

: Re: Please pray for mu uncle and his family
: blessingsindisguise June 10, 2008, 08:05:15 PM

thank you for the update, and I will keep your family in my prayers as they figure this all out.

I live 1100 miles away from my family, I know how hard it is to be 900 miles away when things like this happen.

Hang in there,


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